Townhouse gay bar nyc

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Its website advises against baseball caps, gym wear, ripped clothing, oversize jeans and do-rags. The Townhouse, which turns 30 next year, is also the rare gay bar that enforces a conservative dress code. Galluccio, who was visiting from his primary home in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., sat in a brown leather lounge chair in the main room, which is bedecked with red-on-gold damask wallpaper, Tiffany-style hanging lights and framed architectural drawings.Ī pianist in the corner played “Over the Rainbow,” as a slightly balding man in his mid-30s, wearing a short-sleeved shirt, got up off his stool to sing along off-key. It’s a hobby, and I have so much fun every day.” Galluccio said on a recent Saturday night, when he arrived around 8 p.m., dressed in a striped Façonnable shirt, as he slowly climbed six steps of the front stoop.

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Who says night life is only for the young?Ĭertainly not Paul Galluccio, 82, the co-owner of Townhouse Bar, a well-appointed gay piano bar on East 58th Street that draws dapper gentlemen and their younger male admirers, some of whom are reputed to be on the hunt for sugar daddies. Paul Galluccio, an owner of Townhouse, downstairs at the bar with the dancers Yoinel Aguilar and Troy Luzunaris

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Paul Galluccio opened the Townhouse Bar in Manhattan nearly 30 years ago, after getting rejected by a doorman at another nightspot.

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